Outing FAQs
How many KP (closest to the pin) and LD (Longest drive) holes we offer have?
How many KP (closest to the pin) and LD (Longest drive) holes we offer have?
Within 100 we usually offer 1 each. Over 100 people we offer 2 each
When do I need to turn in final headcounts by?
When do I need to turn in final headcounts by?
At least 10 days in advance. Within 15 days, we may not be able to secure additional tee times.
How do we pay for the event?
How do we pay for the event?
Preferred way to pay for any event is with a single credit card. Event can be split between multiple cards or a check by discretion of course management. You can pay over the phone, providing written card info via the contract, or in person.
Can the payment be made in check instead of Credit Card?
Can the payment be made in check instead of Credit Card?
Yes, although we still require credit card information to secure your reservation.
What is the latest date you can cancel the reservation?
What is the latest date you can cancel the reservation?
You can only cancel 10 full days before the event date.
Would donations be considered sponsors?
Would donations be considered sponsors?
No, Sponsors are those who are willing to pay portion of the bills for the event. In return, usually sponsor company or individual post ads on the tee boxes.
Sponsor starts from $1,000. They select the holes they would advertise at their hole.
Would Willows contact customers sponsors and collect information?
Would Willows contact customers sponsors and collect information?
No, but Willows has sheet to fill in for sponsors.
How can we apply for table and chairs for sponsors?
How can we apply for table and chairs for sponsors?
Yes, with added fees.
Can we set our own particular game or contest at one of the holes?
Can we set our own particular game or contest at one of the holes?
Yes you can if you have a staff to organize. The setting must be taken away once the last group plays that hole.
Would Willows provide free prizes or give us free rounds to the winning team?
Would Willows provide free prizes or give us free rounds to the winning team?
It seems we had that before, but we no longer offer this.
Can we get a discounted green fee so we can make donations to the charities?
Can we get a discounted green fee so we can make donations to the charities?
No, we are not part of that charity.
Are we allowed to bring big coolers on a few holes to prepare bottled water over ice for the event guests?
Are we allowed to bring big coolers on a few holes to prepare bottled water over ice for the event guests?
We do not allow any form of outside food or furniture such as ice chest, ice bags, soft drinks, can beers etc.
Can a sponsor bring food or drinks and serve their product at the sponsored hole?
Can a sponsor bring food or drinks and serve their product at the sponsored hole?
No, this is not allowed without exception.
Is the tent on the patio available for rent or use?
Is the tent on the patio available for rent or use?
We removed the large tent covering the patio. The patio is still available and is outfitted with nice outdoor furniture to accommodate large private gatherings. Our dining room can also accommodate large groups.